










after nine years
Justin Trudeau has shown that he's not worth the cost
or the corruption
the speaker has
just recently ruled that all
house business
all government business must be put aside
while members of Parliament consider Liberal corruption
first we had the case of the green slush fund the
SDTC fund
where the Auditor General found over $330 million
funneled to Liberal insiders own businesses
she found massive conflicts of interest
basically these Liberal appointed board members who
made the decision as to which companies got money
taxpayers money
from this fund
we're funding that money to their own businesses
or to the businesses of their close friends
so the other general has blown the whistle on that
yet the government refuses to hand
over the documents to the RCMP
The House of Commons passed a production order
demanding that all documents all information
that the auditor general uncovered
plus any documents that might
exist in any government department
related to this
scandal be handed over to the RCMP
the government is refusing
and as a result
the house will be seized with this corruption matter
until they hand over the documents
and then we have the case of the other Randy
where a Trudeau a senior Trudeau minister
was is alleged to have been
sitting around the cabinet table while also
involved in his own
businesses affairs
the his business partner was summoned before committee
and refused to disclose all the information to
refuse to name who the other Andy is
refused to hand over all the documents
and answer the questions that were put to him
and as a result the house is ceased with that motion
as well so
what we're saying today
is that the government will not be able to
the house will be staying on these corruption matters
the liberals hand over all the documents to the rcnp
while Canadians are suffering with
the cost of living
crisis that Justin Trudle caused with his
runaway inflation
while millions of Canadians are visiting a food bank
for the first time
and young Canadians are
giving up on the dream of home ownership
as housing costs of doubled under the
NDP Liberal government
it's clear once again
that the liberals will always stop
and enrich their friends
while they impoverish Canadians
what's this going to look like
and how long is this going to go
so the speakers has ruled that the parliamentary
rules were broken in this Liberal cover up
The House of Commons demanded these documents be
sent to the RCMP so that the RCMP can determine
whether or not there are criminal charges warranted
because of this corruption
the government refused to comply
with this long standing
that parliament has to hold governments to account
and by doing so
the speaker has now
ruled that all government business must be put aside
until the house deals with this corruption motion
it's really up to the government
to determine how long that will take
but it's clear that they're willing to go to
extreme lengths
to cover up their corruption
that they're willing to put
the business of Parliament off to the side
just to protect Liberal insiders
Liberal friendly appointees to this board
funneled money to their own companies
that's taxpayers money
while Canadians are paying higher carbon taxes
higher prices at the grocery store
higher mortgage costs with with high interest rates
Liberal insiders stopped and enrich themselves
it's never been so good to be a Liberal insider
it's never been so tough to be a hardworking
question period
the subi question period
as to the business that the house debates every day
the speaker has
ruled that these corruption motions must be dealt with
before any other business can be done
that that's a that's also a question for the government
they control when they
assign days and they and they control when the
when the house can move on by
transmitting the documents to the RCM
